5 Reasons To Consider A Vintage Guitar Over A New One

If you're already playing the guitar regularly or if you're thinking of taking up the hobby, you may be looking to purchase a guitar. With so many guitars out there, it can be confusing to know which buy makes the right sense for you and your needs. There are used and new guitars available in a wide range of prices. You may want to think about buying a used or vintage guitar, due to its many benefits. [Read More]

Music And Special Needs Children

If you have a special needs child, then you know you will find some things that help them in many ways. For example, giving your child a weighted blanket can help an autistic child calm down or feel secure. Music can also be a great tool for a child who has special needs, and this article will help you to learn how music can be beneficial to these children. Here are some of the benefits of music with regards to a special needs child. [Read More]

How To Recruit More People To Join Your Marching Band

If you are responsible for arranging and organizing a marching band, then you're probably familiar with this problem: your group is too small to really liven up the crowd the way you'd like. Marching band participation is not a hugely popular activity, and some band organizers struggle to find musicians who want to join. Below, you will find a few tips to help you recruit more people to join your marching band. [Read More]

Finishing Your First Film

After all the hard work you've done on your student project or independent movie, having a film completed is a feeling of accomplishment. However, if you plan to do well with the film you've put together, you need to do a few finishing touches that will make it seem more professional. Special touches like the ones below will allow you to proudly show your film to others. 1- Editing Even if you planned out your entire film, it will likely require some level of editing. [Read More]